Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Waiting for the Labrador Ferry!

So, we're really in the hinterlands now, beautiful wild country. Moose, caribou, bears, and last nite we saw a brown bunny that had to weigh 25lbs! But alas, no internet and mostly no phone either. I'm in the lounge at the RV park to check email and to pay a bill or two, but pictures download so slowly, I'm not gonna even try to upload any until we have a better connection. (I have about 3-4 days worth saved up!) 

Drove up the coastline today 100 miles, ocean on the left, mountains on the right, gorgeous everywhere. 2 lane blacktop, very narrow. Along the sides of the road are woodpiles, perhaps 6 cords, or some maybe 20 cords. Most homes heated by wood stoves and electricity. Everyone piles their firewood by the road, nobody takes anyone else's. Also saw several small vegetable gardens along the road; they must be planted wherever there is a bit of tillable land, as most is rocky. In some places, the telephone poles are set like a stick in a box of rocks, because the bedrock is granite and covered only by a thin layer of dirt and vegetation.

We might drive 5 or 10 minutes without seeing a car traveling the other direction. Towns are few and far between, maybe 10-12 houses. Lots of lobster traps piled everywhere. Season is over, but to buy a commercial lobster fishing license costs $300,000 so they do OK. If you want to fish for lobster, you must buy out somebody else's license, they aren't issuing new ones. Then, of course, a boat, traps, etc. 

Our RV park here is a gravel lot with trash cans and picnic tables. Only a couple of rigs have hookups, those with medical devices requiring power got priority. Today at 3:30 we take a 2 hour ferry ride to Labrador, leaving the rigs and cars behind. Tonite we'll be in a hotel, first nite out of the rig since June 3. We won't know what to do with all that room!

Don't want to bore you, so will quit, as pictures will have to wait. Having a blast. 

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