Sunday, July 8, 2012

Fantastic Ferry

There are ferries, and then there are FERRIES. This is the latter. Ten stories, five for vehicles, 5 for people. Private 1st class cabins, restaurant with cloth napkins and table service, internet cafe, lounge, game room, kiddies play area, movie theater, bar, snack cafe, and room to swallow 23 motorhomes and tow cars without a hiccup. We left the campground at 8, lined up and got measured with a roller (you pay by the foot) and drove our rigs into the belly of the beast, along with semis, busses, cars, and motorcycles. Sailed at 11, and after a pleasant 6 hour ride, we arrived at Newfoundland. The time zone here is one and 1/2 hours ahead of Eastern time. Tomorrow, a tour of the area of Port Aux Basques.

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