Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Twillingate is an island, and views of the sea are spectacular. Lighthouses, villages, and lots of lobster. We went to a lobster house and picked our own, Nancy and I split a 5 pounder! Yum. Craft shops are full of knitted items, like mittens, hats, scarfs. Hope not to need these anytime soon. Codfish commercial fishing is no longer the work here, now they fish for crab, lobster, mussels, and scallops. But they still catch the Cod for eating!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I finally, ya, caught up on all your travels. What a fantastic blog, you have captured everything. I feel like I have almost been there with you. Good to see you in jackets yesterday as it was 108 in down town St. Louis. We had 107 here in Foristell. Today, Thursday was in the low 90's but back to the 100's in a short few days. Send Rain, we really need it around here.