Sunday, July 29, 2012

St John's

      Bill in the yellow shirt, Nancy next in the green
 This brewery was in the hamlet of Quidi Vidi, adjacent to St John's, Newfoundland. Their beers won 2nd and a 1st at an international judging of over 500 brews in Chicago recently. Good stuff.

     Newfoundland is Eastern Time plus 1 hour and 30 minutes. (???) Look how far east it is from Cape Cod

If Newfoundland is beautiful wilderness, St John's is it's bustling port city. Sitting facing the small but wonderfully protected deep water harbor, it was one of the busiest ports in North America back in the day of sailing boats. Today, the harbor is used for resupply by fishing trawlers from Portugal to the USA, and for tenders serving the oil rigs off Canada's shores. St John's sports the St John's Basilica, a lovely stone church begun in 1838. During WWII, St John's was the shipping point for troops and supplies from the USA and Canada to Europe. U-boats hung around outside the narrow harbor entrance, but were unable to enter because of steel submarine nets and cannons on Signal Hill. The Rooms, a modern museum and art gallery complex, houses natural history and archaeology exhibits, seafaring stuff, and was exhibiting a magnificent selection of paintings and prints by David Blackwood entitled Black Ice. Night life abounds on George St and Water St, and the Memorial University enrolls 18000 students. 

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