Sunday, July 29, 2012

Beautiful Bona Vista, Newfoundland

There isn't really a type color green enough to represent Newfoundland, but this will have to do. We are fast approaching the end of our trip, and this is the last of this beautiful isle that we will enjoy, except for a trip to the ferry crossing departure point in Argentia. From there, an overnight 500+ kilometer ferry ride to North Sydney, Nova Scotia. We're too far south now, on the Avalon Peninsula, to see icebergs, but the attraction here is Atlantic Puffins, which are the provincial bird of Newfoundland and Labrador. Funny little birds, half the size of a seagull. Colorful, shaped somewhat like a penguin, only they fly nicely with those stubby wings. Also, they can "fly" in the water, like penguins, to catch fish, which they feed whole to their young. Hope you enjoy the photos.

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