Sunday, July 21, 2013

Wandering around pictures

Here are a few snaps I wanted to share, in no particular order...
The cast of the Follies playing classical music with a violin bow on saw blades....
Teslin First Nation artist displaying moose hide mittens and bead work. Very nice!
Yours truly cooking pancakes at Teslin breakfast.
Nancy caught me looking at this little waterfall. The stone island in the middle splits the river in two, each side flowing down and around it to rejoin.
Half the bridge under reconstruction, so that left us about 9', pretty tight for 81/2 foot wide rigs!
One of our Fantasy caravan members gets drafted to assist the magician in a trick on stage at the Follies
Propositioning the streetwalker at the Follies... I'm told that the Follies get more and more risque as we travel further north and west!

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