Saturday, July 20, 2013

Watson Lake and the Sign Forest!

What, you may ask, is a sign forest? How did it get started? Click here to find out! There are thousands of signs now, from all over the world. Of course, we had to add our own!
 Our wagonmaster, John Orbeck, had all of us sign a board he'd brought with our names and home town and state. He'd then coated it with urethane to weatherproof, and we went off to the forest to find a spot. As you can see, he picked a high one! And I am the guy on the top of the ladder! Fortunately, I had a volunteer to push on my butt so I didn't fall over backwards putting it up!
Meanwhile, Nancy was wandering around the hundreds of poles, glancing at signs, and found two that are worth mentioning here... the first happens to be put up by her brother Carl only a few weeks ago, unbeknownst to us! Here she is pointing it out.
Nancy also spotted the one below from the home town of her principal at Withrow School in her teaching days.
Before returning to our rigs, we all gathered under the Fantasy RV Tours signboard we'd autographed for a group picture. Fun!

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