Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Top of the World Highway

This aptly named highway leads from the ferry dock across the Yukon River from Dawson City, to the US-Canada border, through Chicken, AK and on to Tok, AK. Here's the route. We started by crossing the Yukon on a ferry, only big enough for two motor homes.
If you look closely, you can see the nose of the Montaj behind the two cars and beside the wheelhouse of the ferry.
 It was drizzling as we started up the long climb from the ferry dock, and continued to rain all day. Visibility ranged from fair to poor, with sections in the fog. The road is graded dirt. If it's dry, it is dusty. Not today, it was muddy. The view from this ridge route would be gorgeous I'm sure, but not this day.
We made it to the border, figuring maybe oil rich Alaska has more money for roads than the Yukon. If they do, they ain't spending it here!
One of our rigs swerved to avoid a big pothole, and his rig slid off the road into the weeds. Note no shoulders, and barely room for two big vehicles to pass each other. $2000 and 5 hours later, the tow truck from Tok had him out and on the way, no permanent damage.
You can see how this scenic route snakes its way through the wilderness, looking down at the valleys below. Lots of concentration required!

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