Sunday, July 21, 2013

On the Road again...Just can't wait to get on the Road again...

The scenery is a never ending tapestry of meadows, wildflowers, rivers, and mountains. I'll share a few snapshots with you here. Sure seems like there should be moose or caribou down there, but we didn't see them!
Brooding mountains were the backdrop to almost every scene, portending challenges to come in the RV.
Nancy met an interesting bearded lady on our stop to see a waterfall, and she told us of the fire weed flowers, and what they tell of the coming winter.
She said that the fireweed is the first plant to sprout after a forest fire. And, that as the blooms open from the bottom to the top of the stalk, it predicts the coming of winter. When the top blooms open, snow is six weeks away. You can see, we're not far from the top.
We saw this interesting pattern on some leaves, perhaps caused by some insect feeding?
Nancy scopes out the falls and river in this little canyon. As you might imagine, the water is COLD.

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