Sunday, July 21, 2013

Welcome to Whitehorse

Blue seems an appropriate color for this post, as the sky is a brilliant blue, and the mountains a dusky blue, and the rivers a dark blue green. Lots to see. This is the first big town we've seen since Dawson City.
We started our stay with a catered dinner at the nice wood paneled meeting room at our RV park. One of our guests brought some wine to share. Whoopee!
The next morning we took a bus tour of Whitehorse, population about 28 thousand, and the capitol of the Yukon territory. Stopped at a viewpoint over the canyon, enjoying the mountains and clouds.
We spent some time at the Klondike Steam Ship, which was the main mode of transportation to Whitehorse from Dawson City back in the day.
This sternwheeler was designed to carry cargo and passengers on the river, and could carry 300 tons with a draft of only 6 feet! Check out the paddlewheel:
It was turned by a 500+ horsepower two piston steam engine. Check out the size of the pistons:
A friend caught a snap of Nancy and I in the cargo hold. The ship is very well preserved, and a Provincial Historical Site.
The ship has a nice sitting room to play cards or visit while you are steaming on the river. Dawson City to Whitehorse, 3 days; Whitehorse down, 36 hours. Burns 2 cords of wood per hour going upstream.
On the way back to the campground the bus passed the airport. They had this 40's vintage refueling rig for airplanes on display. Cool.
We took in the Frantic Follies in the evening, a slapstick vaudeville type show. Got out at 10:30, still daylight.

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