Saturday, June 29, 2013

Yellowstone Flora and Fauna

There is so much wildlife in Yellowstone, that I'm doing a special post just on the pictures we took of animals and such in our 3 days here. So, here goes:
 Elk does,
Elk bucks,

 These two seem to be OK sharing the same meadow, but you WON'T see that in a few weeks when the does are in season!
Bison, anyone? 

 This guy was on the road as we were driving. He was patient, let us take his picture, but when he started to turn toward us, I took off. He was about as heavy as our Honda Fit!

Black bear and Cinnamon bear,
Grizzly bear (sorry, couldn't get his face!)
Garter snake (hey, it counts!)
homo sapiens dudes,
Bighorn Sheep
Pelican (????) meets ducks
and, lastly, Pronghorns.
Not too bad, eh?

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