Monday, June 10, 2013

Family time in O'Fallon, MO

No matter how much we love to travel, it's always great to come home and check in with our family and friends in Missouri. This time of year is beautiful in MO, and it's also the time of Jack's birthday (our youngest Fitz grandson), and our daughter Jennifer. We actually had to leave a couple of days before Jen's but as you can see, we had an early celebration!

Below are Rieley, Jack and Brandon, our Fitzgerald grandkids, and their Dad Ryan and Mom Jennifer are above with the mariachi band and margaritas...

We usually camp out in St Peters 370 Lakeside Park, but the rains had swelled the Mississippi and water was only 2' below the top of the levy! So, off to Babler Memorial State Park, south of Chesterfield. It's actually a nicer park, except that the sites don't have sewer or water hookups so it's inconvenient to camp more than a few days. The picture below is of a local stream, that'll give you an idea of what was going on.
Our middle grandson, Brandon, is into archery. We stopped at a shop so he could tune up his bow. He starts 8th grade next fall.
Rieley, our oldest grandson, just finished his sophomore year in highschool, and made the varsity tennis team. He'll be practicing with a pro this summer.
Had a nice visit despite lots of rain, managed to avoid all the tornados that went thru the area, and left for our big road trip on June 5th. On the road again....

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