Saturday, June 29, 2013

Westward Ho, on to Little Bighorn

Visiting the site of Custer's last stand was fascinating. Took a bus tour with a young lady of the Crow tribe who really knew her history, and she pointed out landmarks of the epic battle. the Cheyenne, Sioux, and three other tribes had amassed 8000 into an area two miles long. Custer and his fellow officers totaled a few hundred. Nuff said. The locals were doing a reenactment, and had a junior member in regalia...

We stayed at an RV park called 7th Ranch, just off the highway. They lined the fence posts with bird houses.
Here is one of the visitors
Of course, no trip to South Dakota is complete without a visit to Wall Drug...
And, a ride on a Jackalope. Nancy made a new friend also, up close and personal...

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