Saturday, June 29, 2013

Driving the Beartooth Highway, US 212.

OK, so you think you have a powerful RV that can pull the hills, right? Then here is your test! To read about this drive, check out this article in Wikipedia.
The road is a two lane blacktop that runs from Laurel, MT to Gardiner, MT. Altitudes range from about 6000 feet to 10970 feet. Grades run 7% or so. The last part is dipping into Yellowstone National Park. Animals abound. We shared the road with this Bison...
Snow on the peaks, and even along the roadside in places. Our trusty Montaj made it up to the top, pulling the Honda Fit, no problems. Guess that's a preview of our trip to Alaska!
We pulled over to take a snapshot of the snow, and Nancy compared her height to the snow poles marking the highway. They were an easy 10' high...
We stopped at the lookout at Beartooth Pass for the view, and a few snapshots. Chipmunks and ground squirrels were looking for a handout.
By the time we rolled into Yellowstone RV Park just outside the North Entrance, we were ready for a break. Tomorrow, Yellowstone!

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