Thursday, February 21, 2013

To Tecate, and back into the USA!

Off we drove, leaving Ensenada behind, ripping thru the mud puddles in town and back to Mex 1 North. We turned off north of town on Mex 3 toward Tecate. We drove through the Guadalupe Valley, prime wine country, and past half a dozen wineries. Sadly, we didn't hoo. Had to run for the border! We arrived about noon, and after waiting in line for about 45 minutes, we finally made it to the front. The border guys took our honeycomb cactus driftwood, because there is now a treaty between the US and Mexico declaring this variety endangered. Too bad, it looks cool, and we couldn't figure out why keeping a dried piece of driftwood would endanger the live Cholla cactus plants...
Here's what the live ones look like:
Also took an apple, which still had the sticker on it from the US grocery store. Go figure. Didn't look for drugs, guns, or illegals. Our money well spent, eh? But, we didn't care! We're back in the US of A, and happy to be here. Tonight, a welcome home steak dinner at Pinnacle Peak's, then we're done! Whoopee! It was a great trip, many new friends, and we'd love to do it again next year!
What now? a week on the beach in San Clemente, then a week in a timeshare in Sedona. After that, who knows? We'll keep you posted!

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