Thursday, February 21, 2013

Catch up time!

Time has gotten away from us, here it is Feb 21 and we haven't posted for 12 days... the last part of this tour was a whirlwind of activity, and when there was time, there wasn't internet. So, this is a catch-up!
Drove to Puerto Escondido, a little town on the Sea of Cortez. Super little marina, with shelter from the waves and wind all around, would be a great place to put your boat. Our RV park had hookups, but no internet, and a good restaurant and hotel adjoining. Had a little mishap in the park, one of the 5th wheels was making a U-turn and knocked the mirror off a motorhome, leaving it dangling by the wires. It was tense for a bit, but the wagonmaster and I got it re-mounted, and all is well. Tomorrow, off for Bahia de Concepcion, where we're dry camping on the beach at Buena Ventura.
We had a weenie roast on the beach with a bonfire, and enjoyed cervesa at a very laid-back beach bar that is typical of Baja.
This was a great beach for shelling, so Nancy and Mary collected some and made souvenir shells for the guests on our tour. 
The natural beauty here is the thing...

After two days relaxing, we're off to our next campground, Rice and Beans, north of Santa Rosalia. On the way, we stopped at Santa Rosalia to stock up on bakery goods at the panaderia, and to view the local church, designed by Eiffel, from France, yes the one who designed the tower in Paris.

The church is made of metal...look at the arches!

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