Thursday, February 21, 2013

Bahia de Los Angeles

This is the part of traveling in Baja that I like the best. Here we are, on the beach. No phone service, no electricity, no water or sewer. Just us and the beach. We walked down the beach to dinner at a local restaurant. Lobster. Delicious! Met an American expatriate who's lived and prospected here for 30 years, and bought his book. He's in his 90's, but sharp, and a real character! Here he is, autographing his book for Michel.

Some of our group went out a jeep trail to Mission Borja. The road was so rough it took over 3 hours to go 20 miles! We had to turn back before getting there, as we were preparing quesadillas for dinner, but those who went loved it.

1 comment:

Steve Finnell said...

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