Friday, January 25, 2013

Our second day in Loreto

Everyone really enjoyed having a down day today in Loreto. We started off with a pancake breakfast, sausage, fruit, and coffee. There is a nice covered patio where we ate and socialized. Nancy and Mary, our wagonmaster's wife, headed out to make restaurant arrangements, and Jim and I scouted out a route to exit on our way to La Paz. We had the propane truck in to top off our tanks, cost is about $2.50 per gallon here :-). Half a dozen of our group chartered a boat for a trip out to the island offshore, where there is an abandoned salt mine. Jim and I and Nancy headed a group of a dozen or so to go to the mission south of Loreto up in the mountains. A scenic drive up the mountain on a new road which sustained some damage from the hurricane this fall.

The mission was established in 1699, and the present church built in the mid 1700's. It is one of the prettiest missions in Baja. After a tour of the mission, we sat outside at a cafe, and enjoyed a soda or a beer.
While we were there, we met a man who is running from Cabo San Lucas to Tijuana, 50km at a time. Today was a rest day, so he was cycling. They are making a film of his  adventure! 

We ended the day with an informal social, BYOB, and went to bed early for a 7 hour drive to La Paz tomorrow!

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