Thursday, January 3, 2013

Jojoba Hills with Travelin' Fran

Next stop, Jojoba Hills Escapee Park, 15 miles east of Temecula, CA on Hiway 79. In the high desert, and bordered by BLM public land, this remote spot is a super co-op park owned by Escapees club members. With 283 sites and super amenities, we're actually considering buying in to have a permanent spot here. 
This is home to Travelin' Fran, when she's not travelin', that is, and we enjoyed three days there. Next, 3 days in Santee Lakes, in San Diego Metro, where Fran treated us to a day at the San Diego Zoo. Her son and daughter-in-law work there, and we got a back tour of the tigers' enclosure, getting to meet one of the adults up close and personal! 
There is also a pair of kittens, but now older than this picture. Beautiful animals, but extremely dangerous!
Later, we enjoyed a delicious vegan dinner and wine with Fran's kids, who live in North Park close to where our San Diego apartment was when we were pre-kid. Super.
Next Stop, San Clemente State Beach!

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