Thursday, August 16, 2012

a visit with Emile and Raymonde

After visiting Quebec City for a couple of days, we headed west and north to Notre Dame De Pontmain, which is north of Ottawa about 70 miles. There we spent two days with Emile and Raymonde, friends we met last winter in Florida. Raymonde is the one who taught Nancy how to do the Tunisian crochet, and boy has she been busy at it on this trip. You'll see! Emile makes marvelous coffee in a super sophisticated mini espresso machine. Yum. Raymonde is quite the gourmet cook, and kept us plump and happy with her concoctions. They have a vegetable garden for lettuce, herbs, tomatoes, and so on, which is in raised boxes outside the kitchen sliding door. Their place sits above a boat dock on the lake formed when the river was dammed for a reservoir. We went for a leisurely trip on the pontoon. Great camping spot on Emile's driveway!

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