Friday, August 10, 2012

a visit with Dennis and Bernice

Between PEI and the Gaspe Peninsula, we had a lovely visit with our friends Dennis and Bernice Wall, who live in Upper Rexton, New Brunswick. Just a short drive from the PEI Confederation Bridge, their home is on the bank of a river with a lovely view of the moonlight over the water at night. We camped next door on their neighbor's empty lot, and Dennis ran an extension cord for us so we had power. Dennis is quite the carpenter, and he has built beautiful decks on both the front and the rear of their house. Bernice put a lovely touch on the porch with stone footprints. We had drinks and hors d'oeurves on the deck, then a nice meal prepared by Bernice. The next morning, Dennis piled us all into his truck, and we took a tour of the area. Much better like this with friends who know the lay of the land. We took off the next morning for Gaspe. Thank you Dennis and Bernice!

1 comment:

Dennis & Bernice Wall said...

Thanks you guys for visiting us, we really enjoyed it, although it was a short visit. We enjoyed the company and the Margaritas! Next date for Margaritas will be in December at the Cove! Have a safe journey home.
Dennis & Bernice