Sunday, June 24, 2012

Fun at Fundy

Today we are in St John, at the mouth of the St John River in Rockwood Park ( in New Brunswick. Went on a city tour by bus this morning, including a trip to the famous Reversing Falls. The water level in the bay varies about 22-27 feet from low to high tide, so the river rushes out at low tide, then actually flows backwards at high tide! See my pictures. We then drove to the Bay of Fundy scenic drive. We stopped at the Cave View Restaurant for a bowl of fish chowder, before winding along the cliffs and beaches from St Martins on the Fundy Trail Parkway ( Some of the scenic overviews were obscured by fog, but we did see some pretty glimpses of the beach, and lovely virgin forests. Along the way we saw lobster boats, fishing villages, and amazing vistas. One part of the road goes thru a deep cut in the rock, and Nancy and I were both fascinated by the fissures and twists in the rock face. Tomorrow, we head further North, to the place with the highest tides in the WORLD, 55 feet! Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Dennis & Bernice Wall said...

Welcome to New Brunswick and our beautiful weather (not)! We are really enjoy reading about your adventures. Also looking forward to your visit in August!