Thursday, June 14, 2012

Cape Cod, or, Lighthouse, Lighthouse, where is the Lighthouse?

So, we didn't do Boston today as planned, due to the weather. I'm gonna be skimpy on the pictures, 'cause our Verizon MiFi isn't getting much bandwidth here. Deal with it. Started with a cool front going thru on Tuesday and temps dropping down to low 60's at nite, with rain playing rat-a-tat on the roof of the RV. Great sleeping weather. Wed AM dawned grey and misty, and drizzled all day. We didn't let it cramp our style. Headed down MA 25 and 28 from Middleboro and drove the length of Cape Cod, all the way to Race Point. Stopped at Yarmouth House in West Yarmouth. Nancy had a great Lobster salad sandwich, and I had Haddock baked with panko crumbs, tomato, and cheese. We had a guide book of lighthouses on the Cape, and found about 6 or 8. Lovely cottages and homes along the way, mostly Cape Cod style. Surprise. Got home around 7, had an adult beverage, and lounged. 

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