Thursday, February 21, 2013

Guerrero Negro, and Grey Whales!

This visit is the highlight of the trip, at least for most of us. Back to our cramped campground in Guerrero Negro, for two days. The first morning, we have a date with a panga to go visit the whales! Seeing whales at a distance, as one does in Dana Point, is a totally different deal than this! Here in a huge shallow lagoon, there are more than a thousand grey whales. They swim here every winter to mate, and to give birth to their calves. The mommies bring their weeks old babies right up to the boats, and introduce them to humans. It's amazing. Virtually everyone on our tour got the opportunity to touch a baby whale!

This has to be on your "bucket list", if u don't believe me, ask anyone who's done it!
Next day, we took a tour of the government run salt mine operation. They produce 5% of the world's salt, and much of the road salt used in the US is mined here... you can thank Baja for the rust on your car!

The orange Dart carrier you see here carries 120 tons of salt in each of three carts. They have 6 Darts running back and forth from the salt fields to the refining plant, so one comes to unload about every 5 minutes with another 360 tons of salt! Had dinner at the Malarrimo Hotel adjoining the campground. Next, dry camping on the beach at Bahia de Los Angeles!

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