Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Off to Florida to visit the Schusters!

Enough of this late winter! We left the morning after Chad and Robyn tied the knot, and headed for our winter friends at Horseshoe Cove, in Bradenton, FL. Headed south on 55/57, angled over to 75, and kept on goin'. We'd called ahead to reserve our previous spot, N-10, but arrived to find it occupied. Moved catty-corner across the street to P-6, which was shady and spacious. 
The kids got a charge out of collecting acorns to feed the squirrels (like they couldn't find their own, LOL)
We BBQ'd on the drive, made margaritas, and generally enjoyed ourselves with Alex & Nikki Schuster and our three grandkids, William, Emma, and Benjamin.
Alex has started a new internet business, putting together health and fitness seminars, and seems to be doing quite well. His website is Natural Health Summit 
Nikki just successfully completed her third session of four in her RN training, and is looking forward to the final one in the fall. She intends to work as a midwife. William won an award for all "E"s this grading period in kindergarten, and will start first grade this fall.
Emma will be starting kindergarten, and Benjamin, 3, will be in pre-school. Whew, they grow up fast!

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