Saturday, March 9, 2013

Yes, fans, we are in the mountains, after all!

So, does this type color convey a change in the weather? Oh, yeah!
This would be the view from the parking lot by our unit, the morning after the cold front went through. Overcast, temps in the low 40's. Good day for us to do some laundry! I had the furnace on in the RV last nite, even tho we were in the timeshare. Don't need any frozen pipes. 
Now, we are in a winter wonderland! Fortunately, the ground is above freezing, so it's melting off the roads as it falls. However, Flagstaff got more than a foot of snow, and that's where we are headed on Sunday! Hope they have it cleared before we get there...
Just before the end of the day, we got a peek of the sun. Ya can't get any better than this!

into the Vortex at Sedona

Sedona is one of the most beautiful natural cathedrals in the world. The whole area is one grand vista after another. Takes my breath away every time I come.
The combination of natural erosion and the red sandstone creates grandeur matched only by the trees and cacti who make this their home.

Forgive me if I overwhelm you with pictures, I just can't help myself!
Really, I am only posting one tenth of the ones I took!
 Nancy takes a minute to check out the local flora.

The Indians, and their cousins in Mexico, harvest this prickly pear, scrape off the spines, and cook it. Here in Sedona, you can order "prickly pear fries" instead of french fries! We had the pleasure of visiting with one of our guests from the Baja 36 day Fantasy RV Tour we just finished, they had reserved a week at the same timeshare where we were staying.
Not too shabby, eh? Just below the BBQ area, there is a pool and hot tub. FYI, this is Sedona Summit. Nice. So, after 4 days of this beautiful weather, 70's, mostly sunny, great hiking weather, along comes a cold front. Check my next post!

Back in the saddle again...

Back in one of our favorite places in the whole world... San Clemente! We lived here for 15 years or so, and always enjoy a return visit. Nancy has a dear friend here, and we have LOTS of favorite restaurants to go to... one of those is on the pier. This time, we got to double our fun because Travelin' Fran of Canadian Maritimes fame came over from Jojoba Hills to join us!
The restaurant is on the far right, at the beginning of the pier. It was warm enough to sit outside, and we had a leisurely late lunch. Bliss.

After a great week, we packed it up, and were ready to head for a timeshare we'd reserved in Sedona, AZ. Oops! Started to pull in the livingroom slide, and guess what? The cable broke. We tried to push it in, but now it's jammed, and sticks out about 6". Fortunately, I can still see around the edge in the mirror. Called our trusty service dep't at Byerly's RV in Eureka, MO, and had them order a cable. Guess we'll be driving 1850 miles with a slide out!!!!