Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sport Fishing with the Fitzgeralds

Ryan Fitzgerald, our St Louis son-in-law, chartered a fishing boat out of Siesta Key, and all the Fitz's and Papa went out for a half day trip. 

We boarded the Rumrunner, and headed out with our captain and his lady crew. The water around Sarasota, we learned, is very shallow. Captain said he would need to go out over 30 miles to reach water 100 feet deep!
Jack lands a mackerel
So does Rieley
Brandon and Jennifer team up, and catch
a nice one!

Ryan hauls in a real beauty....

This fish almost made it to the deck, but a MUCH BIGGER fish decided to take him instead!

Everybody had a great time fishing, and we enjoyed the trip back to the slip as much as the fishing!

When we made it to shore, everyone posed with their catch before we turned them over to the Captain for filleting!

The leftovers after filleting went over the side, and the catfish were ready!

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