Sunday, December 21, 2008

In mid-June Keith and Anne Jerome (Nancy's sister), and Nancy and I hosted a Gateway Getaways rally in Kirksville, MO, Nancy's home town. This is where we first met, and where I went to High School. Keith lived in the Kirksville area for many years, and knew all the cool places to take the group.

The first week of July we headed out with the Gateway Getaways again, this time for Minneapolis, MN for the annual international convention of the Family Motor Coach Association. There were over 3000 motorhomes in attendance! We went to seminars on everything from what toilet chemicals to use, to how to get a satellite internet dish installed on your motorhome. Naturally, there were several hundred brand new coaches, ranging in price from below $100K to well over $500K, all open for our review and viewing. Lotsa fun! Oh, and of course, happy hour every afternoon!

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