Thursday, March 26, 2009

On December , Nancy and I headed out to Florida along with many other snowbirds. We'd had a busy holiday season. Saturday the 27th of December was the neighborhood progressive cocktail and hors d'oeuvres party, and we hosted the first stop. Dec 28. we celebrated with the Baldwin Christmas at our house for 30+, including almost all of Nancy's family and some of Bill's. Then, another party on the 29th that was a reunion of Bill's side, with the Walshes coming from Kentucky, and the Pollocks from Ohio and Kansas, along with Shiko. Whew! The next morning the Walshes helped as we packed Christmas up, enjoyed a delicious breakfast courtesy of Pat Walsh, and headed for Florida! This time, we had 6 in our Roadtrek: the Schusters joined us, as they live in Sarasota, Florida. Our unit was too small to sleep 6, obviously, so we overnighted in a motel. We made it 1100 miles in two days!